Timegrapher Windows For Regulating A Watch


  1. How To Read A Timegrapher
  2. Timegrapher Windows For Regulating A Watch Repair
  3. Timegrapher Windows For Regulating A Watch Company
  4. See More Results
  5. Timegrapher Windows For Regulating A Watch Movement
  6. Pros And Cons Of Using A Watch Timegrapher And How To Read It ...

Watch Escapement Analyser - eTimer See our new web site

How To Read A Timegrapher

An advanced watch escapement analyser that allows accurate watch rate adjustments and diagnosis without the need for a traditional mechanical machine. It is used in conjunction with a special microphone to analyze the action of mechanical watches. It calculates amplitude of oscillation, daily rate, beat error, positional error and much more.

If your watch is not keeping precise time, you can adjust the regulator yourself. A slight nudge toward the F (or fast) will speed the watch up, and toward S (or slow) will slow it down. Then let the watch run for a few days to see how much the rate was affected. Higher grade watches utilize a micrometer regulator and afford more fine control. The accuracy of your watch is. 3.2 seconds a day! MECHANICAL WATCH LOVER'S FAVORITE TOOL. IT'S INSANELY SIMPLE. Toolwatch's accuracy measure is built for speed and ease to use. Measuring the accuracy of your mechanical watch is so simple that you'll actually use it. Toolwatch helps you keep your loved ones on time.

The system works for lever, co-axial and tuning fork escapements.

Clocks have not been neglected either. The truth of an escape wheel is analysed by plotting a histogram of the deviation of the tick from each tooth. The long term plotting function is great for assessing temperature stability. You can perform a fourier analysis in order to detect any periodic fluctuation. Allen deviation analysis gives a definite measure of stability. If you need to make wheels, see here.


Prices start at just £299 ($400).

Timegrapher Windows For Regulating A Watch Repair

If I took 1 minute recordings for each of those runs it would easily take me a half hour just to regulate a watch. As I get closer to my desired rate and beat error, I take longer recordings, usually about 20 seconds. As a final step when finished regulating and adjusting, I may take a 30 to 60 second recording. But the proper way to diagnose and regulate a watch is by using a timegrapher. A timegrapher is a device that tells you more than just the accuracy of a watch. Through the built-in microphone, it picks up the ticks and tocks of the watch and calculates indicators of the general health of the movement. A good visual lookout is the foundation of a navigational watch. It therefore forms the most important element of a bridge design, and is subject to its own SOLAS regulation. This post looks at that SOLAS regulation, and the related IMO guidelines. Rule 5 Collision Regulations- Lookout.


Download the demonstration system ...click here.
Windows may mark the downloaded file as blocked. To release it, right click the file, select 'Properties' and on the 'General' page click 'Unblock'. Additionally, some versions of Windows need a microphone plug to be inserted into the mic socket before they will detect the sound system. Any stereo jack plug will do!

This software includes traditional machine emulations such as a simulated paper tape presentation, and takes advantage of the investment you already have in your PC. This solution will satisfy the most stringent requirements for mechanical watch servicing, diagnosis and quality control.

Featuring internet calibration, long term performance graphing with spectral analysis of cyclical variations, positional analysis with quality control statistics, and extreme flexibility in use, you will be able to achieve standards of measurement and diagnosis on a par with the most expensive instruments. This is a professional tool for all including the very best mechanical watches. Please arrange to call-in and try it.

The highly detailed oscilloscope display allows you to diagnose incorrect locking, inappropriate draw, lever horn rubbing on roller jewel, dart pin rubbing on safety roller, scored balance pivots, sticky hairspring etc. There is a wealth of information in that waveform!

£299 ($400) gets you a clip type microphone, with the full software. Please telephone to discuss other microphone options. I can provide conversions for most existing microphones. The clip-on microphone is rather special, featuring very low noise and exceptional high frequency response. It can be used either with the watch in its case or with the movement in a movement holder. However, this is by necessity a fragile microphone which might not be ideal for a busy workshop. The mic options are:

  • 1. Software with clip-on mic, 299 GB pounds, $400
  • 2. You provide a watch clamp microphone, Greiner, Vibrograf, Tickoprint, Witschi etc. We refurbish and modify it, and supply the software without clip-on mic for 349 GB pounds. (Other than UK, please contact Steve Lunn)
  • 3. We provide a used swivelling watch microphone. We refurbish and modify it and supply the software without clip-on mic for 449 GB pounds. (Other than UK, please contact Steve Lunn)
  • In the case of options 2 and 3, if you wish to add a clip-on mic at the time of purchase, there will be £75 ($95) to add. If you decide to defer the purchase of the clip mic, but want one later, it will cost the exchange price of £90 ($120)

For UK sales contact: Graham Baxter, Delph Electronics +44 1778 560535
For all the rest contact: Steve Lunn, PO Box 70566, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. 408 221 1465
etimer.usa@gmail.com See our new web site

Features include:

  • Paper tape watch timing machine emulation with numeric and disk type readout.
  • Average rate calculation using least-squares fit for improved consistency, especially with clocks
  • Any beat rate from 1 tick per 30s (Atmos) to 400 cycles per second (tuning fork).
  • Amplitude measurement of lever and co-axial escapement; lift angle 20° to 120°.
  • High resolution beat error measurement.
  • Clear and detailed waveform display for fault diagnosis.
  • Trace magnification 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50.
  • 'Paper' feed rate x 10, 5, 2, 1, 1/2, 1/5, 1/10, 1/15, 1/20, 1/30, 1/50, or 1/100.
  • 'Tape' length of several metres can be 'pulled back' to examine earlier results.
  • Positional results annotated onto tape, analysed and recorded to QC file.
  • Long term graphical output with vernier readout and selective zoom.
  • Graphs of rate, amplitude, deviation and beat error with variable smoothing.
  • Fourier analysis of cyclical variations
  • Allen deviation for assessment of stability
  • Escape wheel eccentricity histogram

Typical program display (full screen)

Typical program display (more detail)

Long-term graphs

The hour hand and minute hand were very lightly touching.

Fourier analysis of amplitude variations

Escape wheel histogram

Above is a trace from the dead-beat escapement of a long case regulator clock which I am developing. I have made an escape wheel but there is one rogue tooth.

The settings dialog

あなたのWindowsコンピュータで Watch Tuner Lite を使用するのは実際にはとても簡単ですが、このプロセスを初めてお使いの場合は、以下の手順に注意する必要があります。 これは、お使いのコンピュータ用のDesktop Appエミュレータをダウンロードしてインストールする必要があるためです。 以下の4つの簡単な手順で、Watch Tuner Lite をコンピュータにダウンロードしてインストールすることができます:

1: Windows用Androidソフトウェアエミュレータをダウンロード

エミュレータの重要性は、あなたのコンピュータにアンドロイド環境をエミュレートまたはイミテーションすることで、アンドロイドを実行する電話を購入することなくPCの快適さからアンドロイドアプリを簡単にインストールして実行できることです。 誰があなたは両方の世界を楽しむことができないと言いますか? まず、スペースの上にある犬の上に作られたエミュレータアプリをダウンロードすることができます。
A. Nox App または
B. Bluestacks App
個人的には、Bluestacksは非常に普及しているので、 'B'オプションをお勧めします。あなたがそれを使ってどんなトレブルに走っても、GoogleやBingで良い解決策を見つけることができます(lol).

Timegrapher Windows For Regulating A Watch Company

2: Windows PCにソフトウェアエミュレータをインストールする


見つけたらクリックしてアプリケーションをインストールします。 それはあなたのPCでインストールプロセスを開始する必要があります。

See More Results

3:使用方法 Watch Tuner Lite - Windows PCの場合 - Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10

これで、インストールしたエミュレータアプリケーションを開き、検索バーを見つけてください。 今度は Watch Tuner Lite を検索バーに表示し、[検索]を押します。 あなたは簡単にアプリを表示します。 クリック Watch Tuner Liteアプリケーションアイコン。 のウィンドウ。 Watch Tuner Lite が開き、エミュレータソフトウェアにそのアプリケーションが表示されます。 インストールボタンを押すと、アプリケーションのダウンロードが開始されます。 今私達はすべて終わった。
あなたは アイコンをクリックします。 それをクリックし、アプリケーションの使用を開始します。

それはあまりにも困難ではないことを望む? それ以上のお問い合わせがある場合は、このページの下部にある[連絡先]リンクから私に連絡してください。 良い一日を!

Timegrapher Windows For Regulating A Watch Movement

¥490 iTunes上で

Pros And Cons Of Using A Watch Timegrapher And How To Read It ...
