Battlefield 3 English Language Pack Files

After you have downloaded and installed Battlefield 3, you will need to select the language that you want to play the game in. You can do this by editing the registry, but to save time and to make it more user friendly for our customers, CJS CD Keys has developed a custom Battlefield 3 Language Changer for your convenience. It will allow you to change the language of Battlefield 3 within seconds via the simple click of a button.

Only for audio language though. Go to C: Users Documents Battlefield 1 settings. Open file PROFSAVEprofile with any text editor. Set the GstAudio.AudioLanguage value to 5861806, so it looks like this: GstAudio.AudioLanguage 5861806. Battlefield 3 English Language Pack Files. To change the language of Battlefield 3 for physical copies of the game, you will need to select the language that you want the game in during the installation process. If you want to change the language after installing the game, you will need to uninstall the game and reinstall it in your preferred.

Please read below for an in-depth tutorial on how to swap battlefield 3 languages within 4 minutes.


Download the BF3 Language pack file (1 out of 2) from one of the below links:
English Language Files: HighSpeed Torrnet

You must place both of the downloaded files into the following directory:
C:Program FilesOrigin Games BATTLEFIELD 3 DataWin32Loc


Download the second BF3 Language pack file byCLICKING HERE.


There are 3 alternatives to step 3....

Option 1:

Download and double click this .reg file. it will automatically set your battlefield 3 settings so that the game will start in english:
DOWNLOAD BF3 ENGLISH REGISTRY PATCH (or for other languages: reg-fr.rar, reg-de.rar, reg-es.rar or reg-it.rar )
After double clicking the .reg file your game will now function in english.

After double clicking the .reg file your game will now function in english.

Option 2:

Battlefield 3 English Language Pack Files

Once you've put the english language packs inside the installation folder, you can run our language changer, (DOWNLOAD IT HERE) click 'activate english' and the game will function perfectly in english.

Option 3:
Option 3 is how to manually change battlefield 3 language in the registry as an alternative to our language changer software:
  • in Press Start, in the ‘Run’ box, type ‘regedit’ and press enter
  • browse to:
    32 bit PC:
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREElectronic ArtsBattlefield 3]
    64 bit PC:
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432Node Electronic ArtsBattlefield 3]
Just replace the highlighted fields:
English: GDFBinary_en_US.dll German: GDFBinary_de_DE.dll French: GDFBinary_fr_FR.dll Battlefield 3 English Language Pack FilesItalian: GDFBinary_it_IT.dll Spanish: GDFBinary_es_ES.dll Polish: GDFBinary_pl_PL.dll Japanese: GDFBinary_ja_JP.dll Czech: ChangerGDFBinary_cs_CZ.dll

English: en_US German: de_DE French: fr_FR Italian: it_IT Spanish: es_ES Polish: pl_PL Japanese: ja_JP Czech: cs_CZ
4. Open Start, Run write Regedit Enter. Find [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeOrigin GamesDGR01609244] replace with the following.Just replace the highlighted fields.
English: en_US German: de_DE French: fr_FR Italian: it_IT Spanish: es_ES Polish: pl_PL Japanese:

Battlefield 3 English Language Pack Files Download

ja_JP Czech: cs_CZ
The game will now work in your language.

Battlefield 3 English Language Pack Files Pc

Read The Battlefield 3 Language Changer

Battlefield 3 Language Changer