Alternatives To Valgrind

Valgrind Memcheck is a tool for detecting memory-usage problems such as leaks, invalid memory access, incorrect freeing, and referencing undefined values.

Alternatives To Valgrind

SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives lackey. 1 1 0.0 Lua valgrind tool to trace code execution (by zjutoe) NOTE: The number of mentions on this list indicates mentions on common posts. Hence, a higher number means a better ltrace alternative. This document provides guidance and an overview to high level general features and updates for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12. Besides architecture or product-specific information, it also describes the capabilities and limitations of SLES 12.

Valgrind integration in CLion works on Linux, macOS, and Windows via WSL (see Valgrind on WSL ).

Configure Valgrind

  1. Install Valgrind on your system.

    For WSL, install Valgrind on your WSL instance (sudo apt-get install valgrind) and provide CLion with the path to the executable (see next steps).

  2. In CLion, go to Settings / Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Dynamic Analysis Tools | Valgrind.

  3. CLion will attempt to detect the Valgrind binary by searching in standard locations defined in the system PATH variable.

    In case of a non-standard Valgrind location, set the path manually in the Valgrind executable field.

  4. Specify analysis options or use the default ones.

  5. Optionally, configure the list of the suppression files. For example, you may want to add a suppression file to turn off the Valgrind checks for some particular libraries.

To use Valgrind on Windows via WSL, provide the 'subsystem' path to Valgrind, which is /usr/bin/valgrind by default, instead of the actual Windows location of the Valgrind binary. However, this path will not be valid until you select the CMake profile connected to the WSL toolchain. For this, do one of the following:

  • Set the WSL toolchain as default. This way, it will automatically connect to the default CMake profile:

  • Create a separate CMake profile, connect it to the WSL toolchain, and select this profile in the configurations switcher:

Official Home Page for valgrind, a suite of tools for debugging and profiling. Automatically detect memory management and threading bugs, and perform detailed profiling. The current stable version is valgrind-3.17.0. Unfortunately, Valgrind does not support OS X 10.8 yet. After some Googling, I came across some forum posts where people were able to get it to compile and 'almost' link. Does anyone know of any good alternatives to Valgrind for memory leak detection?

Run targets

To run a target (application or test) with Valgrind Memcheck, do one of the following:

  • Click the gutter icon and select Run 'your_target_name' with Valgrind Memcheck option from the menu:

  • Select the desired Run/Debug configuration and call Run | Run 'your_target_name' with Valgrind Memcheck from the main menu or click the dedicated toolbar icon:

If Valgrind was not configured previously, CLion will open the configuration dialog.

Explore results

  • When the launch is finished, open the Valgrind tab in the Run tool window.

  • The left-hand pane shows the list of all problems found by Valgrind Memcheck. Each entry includes the instruction pointer, problematic function name, and (if possible) the source file where the problem is located.

  • In the right-hand pane, you can find full stack frame description and the corresponding code preview (when possible).

    Press F4 to jump back to the source code.

Export and import results

  • To export the results, click the Export icon in the left pane of the Valgrind tab and specify the destination XML file: Note that the Export button is unavailable during execution.

  • To import the results, select Run | Import Valgrind XML Results from the main menu and choose the XML file to import from.

Alternatives To Valgrind

Before Reporting a Bug

Alternatives To Valgrind On Windows

Before you report a bug, please consult the Frequently Asked Questions. Itcontains workarounds for many of the failure conditions for which we know aworkaround. This includes a large fraction of the failures people seem toencounter in practice.

After that, please search Bugzilla to see if the bug has already beenreported. There are two ways to do this:

  • Using the Bugzilla query page; choose Valgrind as the 'product', and then type something relevant in the 'words' box. If you are seeing a crash or abort, searching for part of the abort message might be effective. If you are feeling adventurous you can select the 'Advanced search' tab; this gives a lot more control but isn't much better for finding existing bugs.
  • Or you can view all open Valgrind bug reports at the Bugzilla all open bugs page, and use your browser's search facilities to search through them.
Note that KDE kindly lets us use their Bugzilla, which explains the URLsof those pages and all the mentions of KDE.

Anyone can search in Bugzilla, you don't need an account. Searchingrequires some effort, but helps avoid duplicates, and you may find that yourproblem has already been solved.

Reporting a Bug

If you haven't encountered your problem after those steps, please file areport using our Bugzilla report page. You need aKDE Bugzilla account to report a bug; instructions for creating one are onthe page. Creating an account takes some time and effort, but it's anecessary evil when using Bugzilla.

The bug report form can be intimidating. Fortunately you don't have tofill in all the fields. Leave all fields blank except the following:

  • Component: If the problem is with a specific Valgrind tool (eg. Memcheck, Cachegrind), select the tool name. If it's a Vex issue (i.e. an abort message mentions 'vex'), select 'vex'. If it's a general problem that appears tool-independent, or you are not sure, select 'general'.
  • Version: The version number is shown when Valgrind starts up, on the 'Using valgrind-$VERSION, a dynamic binary instrumentation framework' line. A 'GIT'-suffixed version will only appear if you are using code directly from the git repository.
  • Severity: If Valgrind won't compile, choose 'major'. If you are seeing a crash, choose 'crash'. If your problem is minor, choose 'minor' or 'wishlist'. Otherwise, choose 'normal'. Please leave the 'grave' or 'critical' categories to the Valgrind developers to decide.
  • Platform: 'unspecified' is usually fine; this field isn't very important unless it's a packaging-related problem.
  • OS: This is auto-filled in, but unless you're confident it's an OS-specific problem, it's probably best to change it to 'unspecified'.
  • Summary: This is the title of the bug report. Try to make it precise. E.g. if you get an assertion failure, don't say 'assertion failure'; copy in the actual assertion failure message.
  • Description: The most important field, which describes the problem. Please include the following information:
    1. The output of uname -a.
    2. The full output you get when you run your program under Valgrind with the -v flag.
    Note that a bug is much more likely to be fixed if a Valgrind developer can reproduce it. So full reproduction steps are very helpful. Small test cases are even better.

Here are some resources on how to write a good bug report, which can helpyour get your problem fixed quicker:

  • Eric Raymond's and Rick Moen's How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
  •'s bug writing guidelines
  • Simon Tatham's How to Report Bugs Effectively

After Reporting a Bug

All bug reports are read by multiple Valgrind developers. Furthermore,we try to respond to most bug reports, but we have limited time so this doesnot always happen. We may also ask for more information.

If a bug is confirmed (e.g. we are able to reproduce it) we will usuallychange its status from UNCONFIRMED to NEW or ASSIGNED. Important bugs willbe given a 'target' by developers indicating that they are required/desiredfor an upcoming. Note that we don't really use the 'priority' field, so itwill usually be 'NOR' (normal).

Once a bug is fixed in the git repository, it is changed to RESOLVED. Wedo not use the VERIFIED or CLOSED statuses.

Alternative To Valgrind Mac

Some bugs are fixed quickly, some take a long time to get fixed, some arenever fixed. Please be patient if your bug is not acted upon quickly. Onegreat thing about Bugzilla is that, at the very least, bug reports do notget lost.


If you have trouble with Bugzilla, or for some reason youdon't think Bugzilla is appropriate for your report (although itprobably is), contact the valgrind-users mailing list. But you may just be told to file a bug in Bugzilla.