A History Of The Modern World Palmer 10th Edition

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For 26 years the peacekeeping humanistic ideas of Nicholas Roerich, the world-famous Great Russian artist, thinker, scientist and public figure have been established by the International Centre of the Roerichs at the non-governmental level among the widest ranges of public.

By contributing to the dissemination of ideas of peace and fostering a culture of peace the International Centre of the Roerichs became the largest and leading organization on preservation of the world cultural heritage in keeping with the Roerich Pact ideas – the outstanding peacekeeping initiative of Nicholas Roerich.

The Roerich Pact is the first international treaty on protection of the cultural heritage in time of armed conflicts and time of peace. It was signed in Washington in 1935 by representatives of 21 countries of the North and South America in presence of the USA President Franklin Roosevelt. While signing the Pact the USA President Franklin Roosevelt said: “Proposing this Pact for signing to the people of the world, we forward ourselves to the usage of the most important principles of the modern civilization protection. This treaty has a much deeper spiritual meaning, than it is written on the paper”.

International Exhibition Project “The Roerich Pact. History and Modernity'.
Sofia. Bulgaria. May 2015
The Roerich Pact. The Banner of Peace – The Red Cross of Culture

The Roerich Pact. The International Protection of Cultural Heritage

In 2012 at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris the International Centre of the Roerichs launched the international cultural and educational exhibition project “The Roerich Pact. History and Modernity” under the auspices of UNESCO, Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation (under the former Minister of Culture A.A.Avdeev) supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. It was coincided with the 80th anniversary of the Roerich Pact widely celebrated in 2015.

Project goals:

● reminding of prominent antiwar public initiative of Nicholas Roerich, the great Russian artist, scientist and public figure, dedicated to signing of the first international treaty on protection of the world cultural heritage in time of wars and peace (the Roerich Pact), which had laid the foundations of the international legal system of safeguarding the cultural heritage of mankind;

● promoting consolidation of efforts of the international public in support of culture and peace based on the principal antiwar idea of the Roerich Pact – “Peace through Culture”.

The Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation
to the United Nations Vitaly I. Churkin.
On April 15, 2015 at UN headquarters in New York

Secretary-General of the United Nations Mr. Ban Ki-moon:

“This exhibition pays tribute to the ground-breaking Roerich Pact and bears witness to our determination to take its spirit forward. I wish to thank the International Centre of the Roerichs for organizing this inspiring display. I appeal to governments and people everywhere to come together to safeguard our common heritage and humanity”.

UNESCO Director-General Ms. Irina Bokova:

“UNESCO is delighted to cooperate with institutions involved in the protection of cultural heritage, such as the International Centre of the Roerichs. I wish to thank the Centre for organizing this enlightening exhibition”.

Director of the United Nations Office at Geneva Mr. Zh.K.Tokaev:

“This exhibition made a very positive impression on me. It is truly representative, provides very good knowledge on Roerich activity, his conception, his worldview. So I would like to extend my congratulations to its organizers. The very fact that this exhibition took place in the UN office at Geneva is very important because this place is frequented; let alone the international significance of this building”.

Director General of the Carnegie Foundation Mr. Steven van Hoogstraten:

“Before the exhibition I knew very little about Roerich, but now I realize what the figure he is. I think he is one of those determined people who leave a mark in history. His work resulted in adoption of the 1954 UNESCO Convention signed here in the Peace Palace. His idea that peace and culture are inseparable and the peace can be achieved through culture appeared very important to me”.

Director of the Peace Palace Library (Hague) Mr. Jeroen Vervliet:

“I am delighted that I have the honor to commit to organize this exhibition in cooperation with the International Centre of the Roerichs situated in Moscow”.

Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Mr. A.A. Avdeev:

“This exhibition reminds us of the need for more active actions on protection of culture and important role of public movement in preservation of cultural heritage”. .

Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District Mr. V.A.Tolokonsky:

“The feature of the exhibition taking place in regions of the Siberian Federal District will be a special section on cultural monuments of Siberian regions thereby enabling a wide range of public to learn more about the cultural heritage of a macro-region. I am convinced that the exhibition “The Roerich Pact. History and Modernity” will become the remarkable cultural event for citizens of Siberia and contribute to the embodiment of Nicholas Roerich’s plans”. .



November 16th - December 6th, 2019 - Nizhny Ingash, Krasnoyarsk territory, The House of Culture of Nizhny Ingash City Settlement

October 1st - November 30th, 2019 - Ubinskoe, Novosibirsk Region.
The Local History Museum of Ubinsky District, Novosibirsk Region

October 26th - November 15th, 2019 - Volosovo, Leningrad Region.
Nicholas Roerich School of Arts

October 8th - November 3rd, 2019 - Moscow.
The International Center for Scientific and Technical Information

October 5th - October 13th, 2019 - Volosovo, Leningrad Region.
Administration of Volosovsky district of Leningrad region

July 30th - September 28th, 2019 - Dovolnoye, Novosibirsk Region.
The Historical and Local History Museum of Dovolnoye

May 14th - July 28th, 2019 - Severnoye, Novosibirsk region. The Cultural and Recreational Center of Severny district of Novosibirsk region

April 18th - May 11th, 2019 - Chernogolovka. The Great Parlor of the House of Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences

April 11th - April 18th, 2019 - Tver.
The A.I. Herzen Central City Library


April 8th - May 24th, 2019 - Aban, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
The M.V.Fomichev Local History District Museum

April 3rd - May 13th, 2019 - Kuibyshev, Novosibirsk Region.
Children's Art School of Kuibyshev district

March 22nd - May 12th, 2019 - Alexandrov, Vladimir Region.
The Exhibition Complex of the Alexandrov Museum of Art

March 6th - April 2nd, 2019 - Chulym, Novosibirsk Region.
The District Palace of Culture and Recreation of Chulym city

February 6th - March 3rd, 2019 - Iskitim, Novosibirsk Region.
The Natural History Museum

February 5th - April 12th, 2019 - Vladimir.
Secondary School № 49

January 29th - February 28th, 2019 - Taishet, Irkutsk Region. Municipal Public Institution 'the Library Association' of Taishet City Settlement

January 23rd - February 28th, 2019 - Yekaterinburg.
The Youth Palace

January 14th - January 25th, 2019 - Vladimir.
Vladimir Regional College of Culture and Art

December 14th, 2018 - January 31st, 2019 - Ordynskoye, Novosibirsk Region. The Natural History Museum of Ordynskoye

November 16 th - December 10th, 2018 - Nazarovo, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
The Museum and Exhibition Center of Nazarovo

November 3rd - November 17 th, 2018 - Shekshovo, Ivanovo Region.
The Village Community Centre

October 27 th - December 5th, 2018 - Berdsk, Novosibirsk Region.
Berdsk Electromechanical College

September 27 th - October 15th, 2018 - Zavolzhsk, Ivanovo Region.
The Local History and Art Museum of Zavolzhsk city

September 12th - October 26 th, 2018 - Bogotol, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
The City Local History Museum

June 6 th - June 22nd, 2018 - Novosibirsk.
The City Center of Fine Arts

From April 18 to May 31, 2018 - Kimry, Tver region. Local History Museum of Kimry

From April 13 to May 22, 2018 - Sharipovo, Krasnoyarsk Krai. Local History Museum of Sharypovo

From March 29 to April 29, 2018 - Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai. Museum and Exhibition Center of MBUK «Achinsk local History Museum named after D.S. Kargapolov»

From March 29 to April 27, 2018 - Zarechny, Penza region. Production association «Start» named after M.V. Protsenko


From March 7 to April 15, 2018 - Kazan. Kazan Literary and Memorial Museum of A.M. Gorky

From February 6 to March 18, 2018 - Kansk, Tomsk region. Kansk local History Museum

From January 31 to February 15, 2018 - Ilanskiy, Krasnoyarsk Krai. «Museum and Exhibition Center» of the city of Ilanskiy

From December 13, 2017 to February 13, 2018 - Yekaterinburg. Sverdlovsk Regional Library for Children and Youth named after V.P. Krapivin

From November 21, 2017 to January 10, 2018 - Yeniseisk, Krasnoyarsk Krai. Yenisei Teachers College

From November 3 to December 24, 2017 - Barnaul, Altai Krai. Hall of the Creative Space «Oxygen»

October 29, 2017 to November 18, 2018 - Lesosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai. City Exhibition Hall

From 4 to 20 September 2017 - Gorno-Altaisk, Republic of Altai. National Drama Theater

From July 23 to August 19, 2017 - Chendek, Republic of Altai. Rural House of Culture

From July 20 to August 19, 2017 - Katanda, Republic of Altai. Museum of the history of culture and life of the first settlers in the village of Katanda

From 2 to 15 July 2017 - Verkh-Uymon, Republic of Altai. Local History Museum

From June 21 to August 6, 2017 - Kirov. «Gallery of Progress»

From 2 to 30 June 2017 - Iturup, Kuril Islands. Local History Museum

From May 17 to June 1, 2017 - Maima, Republic of Altai

From May 3 to June 3, 2017 - Omutninsk, Kirov region. Museum and Exhibition Center

From April 20 to May 16, 2017 - Gorno-Altaisk, Republic of Altai

Since April 7, 2017 - Artem, Primorsky Krai. Exhibition Center «Gallery»

November 27, 2016 - Uglich, Yaroslavl Region. Exhibition Hall of the Art Salon

October 20, 2016 — Zelenogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Region. Zelenogorsk Museum and Exhibition Center

September 26 — October 14, 2016 — Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Region. Exhibition hall of the Museum and Exhibition Center of Zheleznogorsk

September 25 — November 6, 2016 — Rybinsk, Yaroslavl Region. Rybinsk Historical-Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve

July 26, 2016 — Okulovka, Novgorod Region. Okulovka Local history museum named after N.N. Miklouho-Maclay

June 21, 2016 — Krasnoyarsk Region, Kedrovy village — from 13 May to 1 June; Emelyanovo village — from 8 June to 8 July

June 16, 2016 — Yaroslavl, school № 90

May 21, 2016 — Yuzhno-Kurilsk. Yuzhno-Kurilsk Local history museum

May 19, 2016 — Veliky Novgorod, gymnasium № 3

April 27, 2016 — Yaroslavl. Yaroslavl Higher anti-aircraft missile defense School

On April 15, 2016 — Moscow. Museum named after Nicholas Roerich of the ICR

March 4 — 31, 2016 — Yaroslavl. Yaroslavl Regional universal Scientific Library named after N.A. Nekrasov

March 23, 2016 — Pankovka village, Novgorod Region. Youth House

February 12, 2016 — Sovetskaya Gavan, Khabarovsk Territory. Regional Local history museum named after N.K. Boshnyak

January 30, 2016 — Glazov, Udmurtian Republic. Cultural Center “Russia”

January 29, 2016 — Valdai, Novgorod Region. Visitor Centre of the Valdai National park

December 23, 2015 — Viluchinsk, Kamchatka Territory. Exhibition hall of the Art school for children

November 20, 2015 — Vanino village, Khabarovsk Territory. Concert and Exhibition hall of the municipal budgetary institution “Regional Culture House”

November 6, 2015 — Luga, Leningrad region. Exhibition hall of the Luga Culture house

October 1 — 25, 2015 — Kirov. Kirov Order of Honor Regional Universal Research Library n.a. A.I. Hertzen

October 9, 2015 — Khabarovsk. Far Eastern art museum

October 8 – October 11, 2015 — Moscow. Museum named after Nicholas Roerich of the ICR

October 6, 2015 — Gorokhovets (Vladimir Region). Gorokhovets historical and architectural museum

September 24, 2015 — Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Kamchatsky Regional art museum

September 23, 2015 — Chernogorsk (Republic of Khakassia). Museum of Chernogorsk city history

September 17, 2015 — Yaroslavl. Museum of Yaroslavl city history

September 17, 2015 — Pavlovsk (Altai Region).Pavlovsk art gallery n.a.G.F. Borunov

September 12, 2015 — Kolchugino (Vladimir Region). Kolchugino art gallery

August 12 — September 12, 2015 — Danilov (Yaroslavl Region). Danilov art gallery

July 13 — August 6, 2015 — Poshekhonye (Yaroslavl Region). Administration of Poshekhonye municipal district

July 2 — August 9, 2015 — Biysk. Exhibition hall of the Biysk local history museum n.a.V.V. Bianki

June 9 — July 9, 2015 — Vyazma. Literary salon of the Vyazma Centralized library system

June 5 — August 20, 2015 — Shushenskoe village. Historical-ethnographic museum-reserve “Shushenskoe”

May 18 — June 15, 2015 — Vologda. Fund for the Support of Civil initiatives

May 15— July 1, 2015 — Rubtsovsk. Rubtsovsk art gallery n.a.V.V. Tikhonov

May 15 — June 29, 2015 — Kavalerovo village (Primorsk Territory). Local history museum

May 14 — June 14, 2015 — Krasnoyarsk. State universal scientific library of Krasnoyarsk Region

May 7 — June 5, 2015 — Ivanovo. Branch of the Russian Culture Fund

May 7 — May 31, 2015 — Smolensk. Cultural exhibition center n.a.M.K.Tenisheva

From April 15, 2015 — Moscow. Museum named after Nicholas Roerich of the ICR

April 15 — May 10, 2015 — Vladimir. Centre of fine art propagation

April 15 — May 10, 2015 — Barnaul. State museum of history of literature, art and culture of Altai

April 15 — May 10, 2015 — Irkutsk. “ATOM” gallery of the Irkutsk National Research State Technical University

April 15 — May 15, 2015 — Minusinsk. Minusinsk regional local history museum n.a. N.M. Martemyanov

April 10 — May 11, 2015 — Dalnegorsk. Museum and exhibition centre

March 16 — April 10, 2015 — Berezovsky (Kuzbass). Art school for children № 14

March 5 — April 5, 2015 — Kyzyl (Republic of Tuva). National Museum named after Aldan Maadyr

February 20 — March 16, 2015 — Arsenyev (Primorsky Kray). Museum of History of Arsenyev)

February 19 — March 31, 2015 — Anadyr. Museum Center «Chukchi Heritage»

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February 16 — March 2, 2015 — Topki (Kuzbas). Historical Museum

February 11 — March 18, 2015 — Kizel (Perm Kray). Museum of Local Lore

January 29 — February 28, 2015 — Abakan. Khakas National Museum of Local Lore named after L.R.Kyzlasov

January 28 — February 26, 2015 — Grozny. Memorial Complex of Glory named after A.A.Kadyrov

January 21 — February 28, 2015 — Kurgan. Cultural and Exhibition Center of the Kurgar Region

January 16 — February 16, 2015 — Ussuriysk (Primorsky Kray). Museum of Ussuriysk Region

January 16— February 10, 2015 — Yurga (Kuzbas). Yurga Museum of Children’s Fine Art of the People of Siberia and the Far East

December 19, 2014 — February15, 2015 — Tobolsk. Tobolskiy Historical-Architectural Museum-Preserve

December 19, 2014 — January 19, 2015 — Makhachkala. National Library of the Republic of Dagestan named after R.Gamzatov

December 10, 2014 — January 22, 2015 — Krasnoyarsk. Krasnoyarsk Museum Center

December 8 — December 21, 2014 — Syzran. The House of Youth

November 30 — December 20, 2014 — Tomsk. Tomsk House of Artist

November 18 — December 14, 2014 — Nakhodka. Museum and Exhibition Centre

November 17 — December 17, 2014 — Vladikavkaz. Republic Art Museum named after M.Tuganov

November 12 — December 12 , 2014 — Berdsk. The Palace of Culture “Motherland”

November 6 — December 6, 2014 — Vereshchagino (Perm Kray). Museum and Cultural Centre

November 6 — November 25, 2014 — Chita. Regional Museum of Local Lore named after A.K.Kuznetsov

October 28 — November 28, 2014 — Ulyanovsk. Lenin Memorial

October 23 — October 25, 2014 — St-Petersburg. Tauride Palace

October 14 — October 28, 2014 — Ekaterinburg. International Business Centre

October 9 — November 5, 2014 — Novosibirsk. Novosobirsk State Art Museum

October 7 — October 29, 2014 — Aginskoe (Zabaikalsky Kray). Aginskoe Regional National Museum named after G.Tsybikov

October 7 — November 3, 2014 — Ocher (Perm Kray). Museum of Local Lore

September 25 — October 17, 2014 — Saint-Petersburg. National Library of Russia

September 24 — October 24, 2014 — Kazan. The State Museum of Fine Arts of Tatarstan Republic

September 12 — October 2, 2014 — Nerchinsk. The Nerchinsky Museum of Regional Studies

September 11 — October 12, 2014 — Vladivostok. Seaside State Art Gallery

September 9 — October 28, 2014 — Simferopol. Simferopol Art Museum

September 9 — October 4, 2014 — Krasnokamsk (Perm region). “Krasnokamsk name and picture gallery i. Morozov” art gallery

September 5 — October 5, 2014 — Surgut . Modern art gallery “Sterkh”

September 2 — October 2, 2014 — Ufa. “Izhad” Exhibition hall of Bashkir State Museum of Fine Arts n.a.M.V.Nesterov

August 22 — September 14, 2014 — Izhevsk. Gallery Exhibition Centre

August 27 — September 27, 2014 — Karakol town. The Issyk-Kul Regional Music and Drama Theatre named after K.Zhantosheva

August 29 — September 26, 2014 — Pyatigorsk. Pyatigorsk museum of regional studies

August 28 — September 19, 2014 — Murom. Exhibition Center of Murom History and Art Museum

August 20 — September 4, 2014 — Perm region, Il’inskii, city type village. Il’inskii District Local History Museum

August 8 — September 8, 2014 — Kyakhta. Exhibition hall of the Museum of Regional history named after Academician V.A.Obruchev

August 7 — 24, 2014 — Nizhny Novgorod. Cinema center “Record”

July 25— August 25, 2014 — village Ust-Koksa . Art and leisure center

July 18— August 15, 2014 — Samara. Samara Space Museum Exhibition Complex

July 17 — August 24, 2014 — Krasnodar. The Krasnodar State historical-archeological museum-reserve named after E.D.Felitsyn

July 17 — August 18, 2014 — Perm. Gallery “House of Artists”

July 15 — August 15, 2014 — Tula. Exhibition hall of the association of Tula Local history and Fine arts museum

July 8 — August 8, 2014 — Irkutsk.Regional State Universal Scientific Library named after I.I.Molchanov-Sibirsky

June 25 —July 27, 2014 — Suzdal. Gallery of Transfiguration Cathedral of Vladimir Suzdal Museum-reserve

June 24 — July 24, 2014 — Kerch. Art gallery of Kerch historical and cultural museum-reserve

June 20 — July 20, 2014 — Gorno-Altaisk. A.V.Anokhin National Museum of the Altai Republic

June 18 — July 10, 2014 — Taganrog. Exhibition hall of the Central city public library named after A.P.Chekhov

June 4 — July 15, 2014 — Tolyatti. Lobby of the Avtograd library

June 2 — 17, 2014 — Kemerovo. V.D.Fedorov Kemerovo Regional Scientific Library

May 27 — June 27, 2014 — Sysert

May 19 — 30, 2014 — Saratov

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May 17 — June 15, 2014 — Sevastopol

May 16 — June 10, 2014 — Kaluga

May 13— June 11, 2014 — Azov

May 7 — 27, 2014 — Anzhero-Sudzhensk

May 1 — June 10, 2014 — Megion

April 15 – May 15, 2014 – Magnitogorsk, lobby of the administration building

April 11 – May 10, 2014 – Rostov-on-Don, the Don State Public Library

April 11-24, 2014 – Kazakhstan, Almaty, Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan

April 10 – May 12, 2014 – Kovrov, Historical and Memorial Museum

April 10 – May 4, 2014 – Prokopievsk, Cultural and Exhibition Centre “Vernisazh”

April 8 - 24, 2014 – Nizhnevartovsk, The Palase of Arts

April 8-27, 2014 – Nizhnekamsk. Exhibition Hall of Palace of Arts

April 2-25, 2014 – Angarsk, Memorial and Librarian Centre of the Roerichs “Museon”

A History Of The Modern World Palmer 10th Edition Textbook

March 28– May 6, 2014 – Penza, Penza Art Gallery

March 13 – April 4, 2014 – Nefteyugansk, Museum Complex of History and Arts

March 6 — April 6, 2014 — The Novokuznetsk Art Museum

March 4-22, 2014 — Astana, Kazakhstan. L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University

February 21 — March 23, 2014 — The Tver city museum-exhibition centre

February 7 — March 7, 2014 — Khanty-Mansiysk. The Museum Nature and Man

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